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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy Easter

Happy Easter Everyone! I've brought you some lovely ranunculus to celebrate Easter. Aren't they gorgeous?  The reason I thought of flowers was because we aren't kids anymore right? And we don't believe in the Easter bunny anymore?  Or do we?

Image via Google ~

Humm...I don't think I'm ready to stop belivin' in the Easter bunny yet.  Look at these cuties, how can you disappoint them by not belivin'?  I just can't do it!  Sigh...

Image via Google ~
So, I'm pulling out all the stops...are you listening my little peeps?  Are you ready to pig out on some candy?

Image via Google ~

So grab a handful of gourmet jelly beans.  I love them all!!

Image via Google ~

And who doesn't love peeps? (They come in different colors now...not like when I was little and all you could buy was yellow ones)

Image via Google ~

I've saved the best for last...the Godiva chocolate bunny. Are you feeling sick yet? (I use to get pretty nauseous Easter morning eating all that candy)

Image via ~

I hope I haven't made you sick? Because I would hate to think you and I would come away from our Easter baskets looking like this!

Image via Google ~

Have a Happy and blessed Easter!  I still believe in the Easter Bunny because I think there's a bit of a kid in all of us.  See you next week!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Francoise Hardy - So Many Friends (l'amitié - En Anglais)


Image via Pinterest ~ Originally pinned by Terra Righi

Quote of the Day ~

Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.
Oprah Winfrey~

Here is a lovely song about friendship by French singer Francoise Hardy.  Enjoy!

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