Happy Easter Everyone! I've brought you some lovely ranunculus to celebrate Easter. Aren't they gorgeous? The reason I thought of flowers was because we aren't kids anymore right? And we don't believe in the Easter bunny anymore? Or do we?
Image via Google ~ iappreciatethat.com |
Humm...I don't think I'm ready to stop belivin' in the Easter bunny yet. Look at these cuties, how can you disappoint them by not belivin'? I just can't do it! Sigh...
Image via Google ~ sodahead.com |
So, I'm pulling out all the stops...are you listening my little peeps? Are you ready to pig out on some candy?
Image via Google ~ funnycutepics.com |
So grab a handful of gourmet jelly beans. I love them all!!
Image via Google ~ dulcedesignscandy.com |
And who doesn't love peeps? (They come in different colors now...not like when I was little and all you could buy was yellow ones)
Image via Google ~ sodahead.com |
I've saved the best for last...the Godiva chocolate bunny. Are you feeling sick yet? (I use to get pretty nauseous Easter morning eating all that candy)
Image via ~ Godiva.com |
I hope I haven't made you sick? Because I would hate to think you and I would come away from our Easter baskets looking like this!
Image via Google ~ corbisimages.com |
Have a Happy and blessed Easter! I still believe in the Easter Bunny because I think there's a bit of a kid in all of us. See you next week!