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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Liebster Blog

I was awarded the Liebster Blog award by Jane who's blog, shoes and interiors to match is one of my favorite blogs.  You can visit her HERE.  Liebster in German means favorite, dearest, beloved and is for bloggers with less than 200 followers.  Jane's blog is a favorite of mine because it is funny, educational, (I have actually learned a thing or two) and has plenty of style!  I am always excited to see what she has posted.

Thanks Jane, I am happy to accept this award.  This award is supposed to be shared with (5) other people but because this will make the (3rd) time I have received it, I decided to forgo sending it to (5) people who's blogs I love to read because I love reading all of them and I can't select only (5). So, having said that, I share this award with all of my readers who have less than 200 followers because you all deserve it. I love reading and checking each day for new posts and am amazed at the wonderful topics that you share with all of us bloggers.  So, congratulations to all of you!

This has been a busy day for me cutting fabric and sewing new items that I will be adding to my Etsy shop.  I now have a headache and since I have finished for the day, I am going to watch a bit of TV and relax.

I found this quote and I thought hummm.... maybe I shouldn't?  LOL LOL

Image via ~ Pinterest via ~


  1. Conratulations on your award, you deserve it. Hmmm TV rots your brain. I don't watch very much of it, so what is rotting mine away at a fast rate I wonder.

  2. Opps I meant to say CONGRATULATIONS, my letters are sticking since I cleaned my computer! I think I have just brushed muck under the keys instead. xx

  3. Dear Kris,
    I hope you enjoy(ed) a lovely weekend!

    ♥ Franka


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